A Little Bit About Me



I am graduate of the school of Linguistics at Georgetown University, Class of 2022. I have a passion for language learning and linguistic study. Primarily, I’m interested in sociolinguistics and phonology. In addition to being a native English speaker, I am fairly proficient in Spanish and Russian, with basic knowledge in Japanese and French and Middle Egyptian.



Writing and reading have been a significant part of my life from the time I was a young boy. I am an aspiring author, working now on my first book which is part of a near-future realistic fiction trilogy. I also do a good deal of poetry, something that I am looking to share on this site under my Poetry section. My favorite writer is Chekhov, because of whom I decided to learn Russian.



I am a great believer in experiencing whatever life has to offer me and I chase opportunities when I can. Whether this means travel, making friends, cooking, dancing, comedy, clothes-making, I am always down for a new adventure. I love to engage in intellectual conversations and I do a lot of independent research to satisfy the curious kid within me who hasn’t yet grown up.