Welcome to Between Two Tongues!

Between Two Tongues is the personal website and blog of Dillon Czuj, a linguist, artist, and writer. I started this site in the summer of 2020 after realizing that I need a place to flesh out my perspectives in a way that helps me understand myself while cataloguing where I have been.

The logo is a stylized form of the Egyptian hieroglyph for mouth which, similar to the word tongue in English, can also mean language. The double strokes above the righthand side of the glyph make the word into a dual, resulting in a doubling of the noun, in other words, “two tongues.” I would have included the glyph for between as well, but from what I understand after a semester of Middle Egyptian, it is a bit too long!

What can you expect to find here?

On Between Two Tongues, I aim to explore the spaces between two speakers and the processes that drive interactions and work within minds to make language-use possible. I primarily write blog posts about language. Language is a very mystifying phenomenon: we think we know everything about it (and indeed we know a lot) but yet there is so much that happens subconsciously that we are still discovering. It can feel strange to view language like this, as an object of study, but when we provide some distance between us and something so close to us like language, we sometimes discover powerful and hidden qualities.

In addition to writing about language, I sometimes post poems that I have finished or am working on, as well as the projects/art that inspire me the most. Outside of writing and language, I enjoy yoga, watching drag, rock-climbing, my dog, and various different kinds of art that I might get around to posting on here one day. You can find all of this and more information about me by following the links at the top of the page or clicking on the buttons to the left :)

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